YNET | Merav Yudilovitch | 03.10.2009
The internet documentary “Gaza-Sderot. Life in Spite of Everything” has been nominated for an International Emmy in the category of digital media. The joint French, Israeli, and Palestinian production will compete with other projects produced by al-Jazeera, BBC, and the Discovery Channel. The series, documenting the lives of residents of Gaza and Sderot, became available online in October 2008. In two-minute films, creators from both sides attempted to display the difficult living conditions faced by the residents under rocket and air strike threats.
The short films, accompanying six main figures from each of the two areas, are currently being aired by the European ARTE television network’s internet site.
“We started the project with the belief that people living in Gaza and Sderot want to live their lives just like anywhere else in the world,” said Israeli producer Arik Bernstein.